• September 2008 Board Minutes

    September 2, 2008


    Chattooga County Board of Education


    Office of the Superintendent


    Agenda for Board Meeting


    The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mr. Anderson, Chairman.


    All Board members were present with Superintendent, Dr. Pullen, Mrs. Emily Bolton, Asst. Superintendent and Will Turner, Student Advisor were in attendance.


    Invocation – Dr. Pullen opened the meeting with Prayer.

    Pledge of Allegiance –Mr. Will Turner led the group in the Pledge


     Mr. Anderson asks if there were any additions to the Superintendent’s Recommended Agenda for September 2, 2008 School Board Meeting. There were none. Mr. Elsberry made a motion to approve Agenda as printed with a second by Mr. Massey and the vote was unanimous.


    Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings at the next meeting on September 8, 2008.

    1. Work Session -        August 4, 2008

    2. Regular Session -    August 11,2008   


    Public Participation


    1. Resolutions/Recognitions –

    1. Dr. Pullen along with School Food Service presented  Certificates of Appreciation to Community Volunteers and Staff for their contribution to the Summer Feeding Program. Ms. Phyllis Oliver presented Certificates to a number of people who were involved with the program this summer. Tina Powers was our Director of the Summer Program. She planned the menus, ordered all the food, and coordinated the sites for delivery. She is really what made this happen.


    1. School Board Members -

    1. Board Consideration of request from Ken Smith, Chattooga High School Band Director, for funding for additional assistants during marching season. We will postpone this request until our new Budget year. 

    2. Board Consideration of fully funding lockers in new building for Middle School students at Menlo School.


    1. School Board Policies – NONE


    1. Financial Management
    2. 1. . Board Consideration for approval of Financial Statement ending June 30, 2008.
    3. 2. Board Consideration for approval of Invoices for work on CHS Pressbox.

    3. Board Consideration for approval of Invoices for materials used for CHS Stadium improvement.

    4. Board Consideration for approval of use of Chattooga High School Cafeteria & multiple classrooms by the Chattooga County Health Department on October 4.

    5.  Board Consideration for approval of use of Summerville Middle School Cafeteria by Northwest Georgia Regional Cancer Coalition on May 12, 2009.

    6. Board Consideration for approval for School Sales Projects.

    7. Board Consideration for approval of Opening bid & purchasing Lab Equipment for Computer Lab Equipment for Language Arts Department at CHS.

    Mr. Clifton opened the bids with a total of 4 bids. (1.) Equus – total per unit $761.00 shipping included. (2) Sunnytech – total per unit $699.00 shipping 13.25 per unit total price $712.25 (3) MAX Group – total per unit $753.00, shipping 11.00 per unit – total price $764.00. He will review these and have a recommendation next week.

    8. Board Consideration for approval of use of Chattooga High School Parking lot and Gym (for restrooms) on September 13, 2008 from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. for Motorcycle ride.


    1. Educational Programs, Student Support and Staff Development

    1. Approved 09-02-08**1. Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation for approval of Field Trip for North Region FFA Rally in

    Covington, Georgia on Sept. 5 & 6. A letter of apology is attached.

    Mr. Money made a motion to approve item #1 with a second by Mr. Massey and the vote was unanimous.

         2. Board Consideration for approval of Field Trips.



    1. Support Services/Facilities and Construction Management/Planning


                Executive Session

                Mr. Elsberry made a motion to go into Executive Session at 7:25 p.m. with a       

                second by Mr. Massey the vote was unanimous.

    Mr. Bo Burdick and Mr. Miles Bagley asks to address the Board concerning

          Discipline issues during Executive Session.

          The Board returned to Regular Session at 8:40 p.m. with no action taken.


    1.  Personnel

    1. Board Consideration of Recommendations for Certified & Classified Personnel

                    Classified Resignations: Gordon Boyd, Regular Bus Driver; Robert Houston,

              Regular Bus Driver; Willa Dean Sentell, SMS Food Service Asst.; Jan Stoker,

              CHS Special Ed Para


              Classified Recommendations: John Worsham, Supervisor Maintenance, Fac.,

    & Grounds; Brandon Bishop, PE Para LMES;(inadvertently left off) Tina        Cordle, Spec. Ed Para CHS, Tonya Hughes, Spec. Ed. Para, LMES;

              Adrianna Thompson, Kindergarten Para LES; Larry Burnette, Full

              Time Bus Driver; Chris Thompson, Regular Part Time Custodian; Barbara

              Drawdy, Regular Part Time Food Serv. Asst.; Margaret Fulmer, Regular Part

              Time Food Serv. Asst


              Classified Transfers: Carol Allen, SES Custodian


              Substitute Recommendations: Brandi James, Sub.Tchr-Certified; Jeannette

                    Mize, Sub Tchr-Certified; Jean Adele, Cynthia Bell, Carolyn Gentry, Jeremy

                    Heathcock, April Hunter. Angela Kendrick, Sabrina Middleton, Jayne Short,

                    Cathy Stallings, Marcie Stamper, Trey Thrasher, Hannah Turner;

                    Sub Custodian: Chad Anthony, Bobby Lawson, James Morgan;

        Sub Custodian & Food   Service:  Bobie Jo Brazelton, Tammie Rena Moore;

        Sub Food Service: Willa Dean Sentell, Miranda Morgan                          

    2. Board Consideration of approval of new System Job Descriptions.



    1. 1. Superintendent of School



    With no further business Mrs. Johnson made a motion to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. with a second by Mr. Money and the vote was unanimous.





    __________________________                               ___________________________

    Dr. Dwight Pullen, Superintendent                            Mr. William Anderson, Chairman