• November 2008 Board Minutes
    Work Session


    November 3, 2008



    Chattooga County Board of Education


    Office of the Superintendent


    Agenda for Board Meeting


    The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mr. Anderson, Chairman.


    All Board members were present along with Superintendent, Dr. Pullen, Mrs. Bolton, Asst. Superintendent and Will Turner, Student Advisor.


    Invocation – Dr. Pullen opened the meeting with Prayer.

    Pledge of Allegiance –Mr. Will Turner led the group in the Pledge


     Mr. Anderson asks if there were any additions to the Superintendent’s Recommended Agenda for November 3, 2008 Board Meeting. There were none. Mr. Elsberry made a motion to approve Agenda as printed with a second by Mr. Massey and the vote was unanimous.


    Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings at the next meeting on November 10, 2008.

    1. Work Session -        October 6, 2008

    2. Regular Session -    October 13,2008   


    Public Participation


    1. Resolutions/Recognitions –  

    1. Recognition of all teachers of the year from their individual schools. Also recognition of Mrs. Lucy Lee, who teaches at Leroy Massey Elementary School, as Chattooga County School Systems Teacher of the Year for 2008-2009.

    Dr. Pullen asks Mr. Anderson to present each teacher with a Certificate of appreciation:

    MES – Mr. Mark Pickle; LES – Ms. Bonita Scott; SMS – Ms. Rosemary Dixon; SES – Ms. Karen Echols; - CHS – Mr. Jeff Owings; LMES – County teacher of year, Ms. Lucy Lee. After the presentation a round of applause was given to all.

    2. Mr. Morgan Nugent, Principal at Chattooga High School, will gave informational update on the Night School at CHS in conjunction with Northwestern Tech and Coosa Valley Tech.

    Mr. Nugent said we were looking at a 4 day program, Monday thru Thursday for 4 hrs. a day. Looking at Welding, Automotive & Nursing programs. We would be looking at using our facilities and their staff members. We need 15 individuals for each program. Cost will be taken care of from the WIA & Hope grant. Hopefully be able to start in January, 2009. They have to have graduated or have their GED. Looks very promising.

    3. FYI - Mr. Jared Hosmer, Title I & K-8 Curriculum Director, would like to extend an invitation to each Board member to a system-wide Professional Development to be held in January, 2009.



    1. School Board Members - NONE


    1. School Board Policies - NONE


    1. Financial Management

    1. Board Consideration for approval of Financial Statement

    2 .Board Consideration for approval of Fund raising project for Menlo Elementary School.

    3.  Board Consideration for approval of Even Start Budget. The Chattooga School System has been awarded the Even Start Family Grant under Title I in the amount of $153,189.00. The award period is July1, 2008 thru September 30, 2009.


    1.  Educational Programs, Student Support and Staff Development

    1. Board Consideration for approval of Field Trips.

    2. Board Consideration for approval of the following to serve on the Tribunal

                    Panel for 2008-2009 – Harry Harvey & Melvin Mosley


    1. Support Services/Facilities and Construction Management/Planning

    1. Board Consideration for approval of drawing for proposed Board of Education meeting room at the Chattooga County Education Center.


    Executive Session – Mr. Elsberry made a motion to go into Closed Session at 7:20 p.m. with a second by Mr. Money and the vote was unanimous.


    The Board returned to Regular Session at 7:40 p.m. with no action taken.


    1. Personnel

    1. Board Consideration of Recommendations for approval of Certified &     Classified Personnel

    Classified Transfers – Alvin Bullard, SMS Custodian

     Classified Recommendations – Diane Hudgins, Food Service Asst.-Crossroads

                 Academy; David Romine, Full Time Substitute Bus Driver

                 Employee Leave of Absence – Kathy Floyd, Extended Medical Leave without

                  pay; Ray Teems, Extended Medical Leave without pay

                 Substitute Recommendation – John Young - Custodian


    1.  Superintendent of School

    1. Board Considerations review of Georgia School Boards Association Standards Checklist and recommend that we have the Georgia School Board Assoc. assist with a retreat.



    With no further business Mrs. Johnson made a motion to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. with a second by Mr. Money and the vote was unanimous.





    __________________________                               ___________________________

    Dr. Dwight Pullen, Superintendent                            Mr. William Anderson, Chairman