• March 2009 Board Agenda
    Work Session
                  WORK SESSION AGENDA – 7:00 P.M.
        MARCH 2, 2009
    ChattoogaCounty Board of Education
    Office of the Superintendent
    Agenda for Board Meeting
    Pledge of Allegiance
    Adoption of Superintendent’s Recommended Agenda for March 2, 2009 School Board Meeting
    Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings at our next Board meeting on March 9, 2009.
    1.      Work Session -     February 2, 2009
    2.      Regular Session - February 9, 2009
    3.      Called Session    - February 17, 2009                    
    Public Participation
    1. Resolutions/Recognitions
    1. Brandon Siffles will be awarded a Certificate on capping off his freshman wrestling season with a State title in the 119 lb. weight class. He is Chattooga’s tenth state titlist and first freshman to be crowned State Champion.
    2. Justin Green & Carter Woodall participated in a welding competition in Jacksonville, Fl. last week. They will be awarded Certificates for their accomplishments. Justin won 1st place and Carter won 2nd out of 104 competitors.
    1. School Board Members
    1. School Board Policies
    1. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval of Revision of Homeless Students Policy JBC (1).
    1. Financial Management
    1. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval of Financial Statement for January 31, 2009.
    2. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval of School Sales Projects.
    3. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval of Invoice from Richards & Associates Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $5,500.00.
    4. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval of Education for Homeless Children and Youth Budget. We received $25,000.00 in addition to $3,466.00 in carryover funds for a total of $28,466.00.
    5. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval of Mohawk Industries use of the CHS Cafeteria for annual Elite Banquet on April 9, 2009 to honor members with 25 years or more of service with our Company.
    6. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval of the Dream Team request to use Chattooga High School Cafeteria on Friday, May 1, 2009 and May 2, 2009 for a fundraising pageant, Mrs. Relay. All proceeds will benefit Chattooga Relay for Life and the American Cancer Society.
      E. Educational Programs, Student Support and Staff Development
                1. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval of Field Trips.
        2. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval of K-5  ` EnglishLanguage Arts Textbook Adoption from Pearson Scott Foresman for2009.
                3. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval of 6-8 English/
                Language Arts Textbook Adoption from Scholastic for 2009.
                4. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval of Chattooga County
                Enrollment and Withdrawal Handbook.
                5. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval of Chattooga  High School Honors College Preparatory Program for incoming 9th grade students
                For 2009-2010 school year.
    F. Support Services/Facilities and Construction Management/Planning         
    Executive Session
    G. Personnel
          1. Board Consideration of Recommendations for approval of Certified &          Classified Personnel
          Certified Resignations – Brandi James, SES Spec. Ed. Teacher; Elizabeth Jarrett, MES; Frank Jarman, SES Speech Pathologist; Patsy Smith, SES Retirement; David Kendall Tuttle, CHS
          Certified Recommendations – Tim Taylor, CHS
          ***Leave of Absence Recommendation – Brandon Bishop, leave without pay due to required college courses – 02-27-09 thru 03-06-09
          Classified Resignations – Ed McGuire – CHS Custodian
          Substitute Custodian – Ricky Bullard, Matthew Shirley
          Substitute Food Service – Sherry Allen – Substitute Food Service & Custodian – Betty Simpson
          Substitute Bus Driver – Bobby Cavin, Jan Stoker
          Substitute Teacher – Wendy Martin
    *** Needs BOE approval 03-02-09
          2. Board Consideration of Recommendations for Certified Renewals for 2009-2010 school year.
    1. Superintendent of School
    1. Board Consideration of Recommendation to do Superintendent’s evaluation at the March 9, 2009 Regular Session meeting during Executive Session.
    2. Board Consideration of Recommendation to approve City of Summerville to use the Track field at the opposite side of the Gym on July 4 to set up and fire the show this year. By using the Track field, it will free up the field that we have shot from in previous years and allow the spectators more room for parking and viewing the show. City has Insurance and will provide Security.
    3. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval of American Red Cross Shelter Agreement for use of the following schools: Chattooga High School, Summerville Middle School, Leroy Massey Elementary School and Lyerly Elementary School.