• October 2008 Board Agenda
    Regular Session

    OCTOBER 13, 2008




    Chattooga County Board of Education


    Office of the Superintendent


    Agenda for Board Meeting



    Pledge of Allegiance


    Adoption of Superintendent’s Recommended Agenda for October 13, 2008 School Board Meeting


    Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings

    1.      Work Session  -     September 2, 2008

    2.      Regular Session -  September 8 ,2008                   


    Public Participation

                1. Mr. Terence Hambrick request to speak to the Board as a concerned parent.


    1. Resolutions/Recognitions


    1. School Board Members


    1. School Board Policies

    1. Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval of Updated System Parent Involvement Policy.

    2. Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation to reaffirm Board Policy IA.


    1. Financial Management

    1. Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval of Financial Statement ending July 31, 2008 and August 2008.

    2. Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval of Invoices from Rick Green Backhoe, Circle “A” Fence and Andy Cash Construction for materials & labor used for CHS Stadium improvement.

    3. Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval of School Sales Projects

    4. Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval of use of Chattooga High School Cafeteria and Gym by United By Faith Baptist Church.

    5. Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval of Invoice from ADF Welding & Medical, Inc. for work on CHS Metal Lab.

    6. (Added to Agenda) Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval of Invoice from Circle “A” Fences, Inc. for Stadium Improvement.

    7. (Added to Agenda) Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval of Invoice from Smith-Evans Supply Co. for work on the CHS Pressbox.


           E. Educational Programs, Student Support and Staff Development

    1. Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval of Field Trips.

    2. Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval of the following people to serve on Tribunals for the 2008-2009 school year:

     Debbie Garrett, Mitch Williams, Michael Benefield, Jim Lenderman, Beth

     Morgan, Morgan Nugent, Jared Hosmer, Christy Swansborough, Missy Lanier,

     Robbie Robison, Judy England, Regina Parker, Barry Peppers, Teresa Pewitt,

     Paula Buice, Carole Hosmer, Mike Martin, Beth Hall, Ila King, Brian Beasley,

     Diane Mitchell, Kevin Muskett & Jennifer Reese.

     3. ** (Approved 10-06-08) Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval of Field Trip. Due to an error in the County Office this was inadvertently left off request for Agenda on September 8, 2008.



    1. Support Services/Facilities and Construction Management/Planning

    1(Recommendation) Board Consideration of Superintendents & Mr. John Worsham, Maintenance, Facilities & Grounds Supervisor Recommendation of Buckley & Associates of Swainsboro, Ga. as our new Architect.

    2.( Recommendation) Board Consideration of Superintendents & Mr. John Worshan, Maintenance, Facilities & Grounds Supervisor, Recommendations of Contractors for the following jobs:

        (a) – Menlo Roof – Coopers Old Time Builders  - $31,000.00

        (b) – Summerville Middle School Gymnasium floor – Prater’s - $7,500.00

        (c) -  Leroy Massey Gymnasium floor – Prater’s - $28,700.00


    Executive Session –


    1. Personnel

    1.Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendations for Certified & Classified Personnel

    Certified Recommendations: Brandi James, SES ECE, MG

                Certified Transfers: Betty Wagner, LES Teacher, new position

          Classified Resignations: James R. “Bob” Farrow, Maintenance Tech-HVAC;

             Patricia Bolton, MES School Food Service

          Classified Recommendations: Cynthia Bell, Special Ed. Para; Geneva

               Williams, Food Service Asst.; Melvin Mosley, Full Time Sub Driver

           Extended Medical Leave: Teena DiPillo beginning 11-04-08

                 Substitute Recommendations:  Teachers: Jayna Abernathy, Donna Blanton,

                      Larita Burke, Doris Burnette, Randy Davis, Loretta Woods Dukes, Jessica 

                      Hurley, Amanda McKeehan, Ashley Patterson, Amy Peterson, Sub Teacher

                 & Food Service: Jane Hawkins   Sub Food Service: Mary Anderson, Patricia

                       Bolton, Diane Myrick, Lindsey Strickland, Martha Travillian, Marci

                       Trautner   Sub Food Service/Custodian: Thomas T. D. Day


    1. Superintendent of School

    1. Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval of a Resolution to support Chattooga County Livestock Arena and Convention Center.

    2. Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval of a Lease Agreement to allow Chattooga County Livestock Arena and Convention Center to be constructed on School Board Property.

    3. Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation to begin the Standards Board of Education progress thru Georgia School Board Association.

    4. (Added to Agenda) Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval to appoint a School Board member to serve as our GSBA Legislative Liaison for FY 2009


