• June 2009 Board Agenda
    Regular Session- June 8, 2009

                  REGULAR SESSION AGENDA – 7:00 P.M.
            JUNE 8, 2009
    ChattoogaCounty Board of Education
    Office of the Superintendent
    Agenda for Board Meeting
    Pledge of Allegiance
    Adoption of Superintendent’s Recommended Agenda for June 8, 2009 School Board Meeting.
    Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings
    1. Work Session -    May 4, 2009
    2. Regular Session – May 11, 2009                                                    
    Public Participation
    1. Resolutions/Recognitions
    2.  School Board Members 
    3. School Board Policies
    1. Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation of repeal of BoardPolicy IDF.
     2. Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation for changes to Board Policy IA

    D. Financial Management

    1. Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation for approval of Financial Statement for April 30, 2009, 2009.
    2. Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation for approval of School Sales Projects.
    3. Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation for approval of Invoice from James W. Buckley & Associates, Inc, for Construction Documents printing for Menlo Elementary School project in the amount of $4,062.69.
    4. Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation for approval of Invoice from James W. Buckley & Associates, Inc. for Construction Documents printing for Summerville Middle School project in the amount of $3,590.33.
    5. Board Consideration of Superintrendent’s Recommendation for approval of Invoice from James W. Buckley & Associates, Inc. for: Construction Administration/Pay estimate #2,  $1,210.25 & Reimbursement travel costs, $151.28         TOTAL - $1,361.53.
     6. Approved 06-01-09Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation for approval of Invoice from Jeff Bennett Construction Co., Inc. in the amount of $60,512.40.
    7. Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation of use of Menlo Gymnasium or Cafeteria from 4:00 until 8:00 p.m. on June 20, 2009 by the Menlo Recreation Cheerleaders for a Pageant.
    8. Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation for approval of Invoice from Alarms Systems and Telenet Systems at Menlo Elementary School in the amount of $9,635.38.
    9. Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation for approval of Invoice from James W. Buckley & Assoc., Inc, for Design Service Fee at Summerville Middle School in the amount of $10,720.00.
    10. Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation for approval of Invoice from James W. Buckley & Assoc., Inc. for Design Service fee at Menlo Elementary School in the amount of $15,800.00.
    11. Board Consideration for approval of proposal from James W. Buckley and Assoc., Inc. to provide Storm water monitoring services at Menlo Elementary School in the amount of $5,500.00.
    12. Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation for approval of proposal from James W. Buckley and Assoc., Inc. to provide Storm water monitoring services at Summerville Middle School in the amount of $5,500.00.
    13.Approved 06-01-09 Board Consideration of  Superintendent’s Recommendation of Van bid for School Food Service. The low bidder was Prater Ford with a bid of $21,630.00 delivered and they had said that it would take 12 16 weeks to get it. It is needed now for the Summer Feeding Program which begins Monday, June 8. Prater was able to locate a Van at another dealership but this will increase the cost to $23,515.00 and is available today, June 1. Dr. Pullen recommended that we go ahead and approve the bid of $23,515.00 on the Van that we can get now. The FDA will provide enough money to pay for this Van. It will not affect the General Fund in any way.
    14.* **** Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation for approval of purchasing both buses from Peach State as a combined package for the total price of $153,184.00.
    15. Added to Agenda – Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation for approval of the Chattooga County Even Start Family Literacy Programs acceptance of the Dollar General Store Grant in the amount of $20,000.00.
    16. Added to Agenda- Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation of FY10 Building Fund Budget.
                    **** Additional information
      E. Educational Programs, Student Support and Staff Development
    1. Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation for approval of Field Trips.
    2. Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation for approval of moving Autistic Classroom back to Lyerly Elementary School along with the teacher and Paraprofessional.
    3. Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation of the closing of the Academy for the 2009-2010 School year.
    4. Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation for approval of the Chattooga County Student/Parent Handbook & Discipline Code.
    5. Board Consideration for your review of the Chattooga County School’s District Progress Report.
    F. Support Services/Facilities and Construction Management/Planning         
    1. **** Board Consideration of low bid for Summerville Elementary School Roof. The low bidder was Roof Management, Inc. in the amount of $617,000.00.
    2. **** Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation for Custodial service to be removed from Agenda. Projected savings did not reach the level that we had anticipated. Having our own employees has advantages.
    3.**** Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation to accept bid for Custodial cleaning supplies from the low bidder Roman Chemical with an Annual bid of $49,992.00.
    4. Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation of bid for Alarms System monitoring. The low bid was from Alarms Systems in the amount of $2,640.00 annually.
    5. Board Consideration of opening bids for modifications to Chattooga High School Cafeteria. Bids will be reviewed and approved at June 8, 2009 Regular Session of BOE meeting.
                                    **** Additional information
    Executive Session
    1. Personnel
    1. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval of the 2009-2010
        Salary Handbook.
    2. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval of revision of our
    our FMLA Leave Policy to be in compliance with the federal regulation changes
    in the Act.
    3. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval to eliminate Classified Positions due to budget cuts.
    3B. – Added to Agenda – Board Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation to eliminate Daycare positions.
    4. Board Consideration of Recommendation for Personnel:
    Certified Resignations – Lisa Hughes; Melissa Morrison; Keri Nugent; Added – Teena DiPillo, retirement
    Certified Transfers – Patty Culver LMES, 3rd grade tchr.; Lori Daniel LES Autisic tchr.; Rodney Mann SMS Math; Jeff Martin CHS Asst. Principal; Leah McCullough LMES Media Specialist; John Starr LMES PE
    Certified Recommendations – Carlton Andrews Tech. Specialist; Added Sally Cash SES Spec. Ed; Robert L. “Bobby” Cavin LMES P-5; Bianca Rivera Spanish; David Tuttle CHS School Improvement Spec.; Tiffany World SES P-5
    Classified Resignations – Stacy Kirby SES Spec. Ed Para
    Classified Termination – Dewayne Treadaway Technology; Kenyon Mac Tribble LES Computer Lab Para; Added – Sharon Padgett, SES Spec. Ed Para; Jan Bennett, SES Daycare worker; Pax Busbin, SES Daycare worker
    Classified Transfers – Ashley Coker SMS Spec. Ed Para; Christy Lea CHS Spec. Ed Para; Ed Parker LMES Spec. Ed Para; Cassandra Powell CHS Spec. Ed Para; Jamie Scott LES-Autistic Spec. Ed Para; Freda Watkins SES K Para
    Classified Recommendations – Josie Bradfield Technology Dept.; Tabatha Brown System Occupational Therapist; Carla Chisolm System Occupational Therapist; Beverly Cowart CHS Receptionist; Geneva Dillard LMES Spec. Needs Para
    H. Superintendent of School
    1. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval of the Superintendent Evaluation Instrument for the 2009-2010 year.
    2. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval of Nick Dipollo as Student advisor to the Board of Education for 2009-2010 school year.
    3. Added to Agenda Board Consideration of year end FY09 Financial projection.
    4. Added to Agenda Board Consideration of School Nurse Contract. We will have a recommendation for July BOE meeting as to what the Nursing program will be.