APRIL 6, 2009
ChattoogaCounty Board of Education
Office of the Superintendent
Agenda for Board Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mr. Anderson, Chairman with all Board members present along with Superintendent. Dr. Dwight Pullen.
We had a number of visitors present, teachers and others. Mr. Anderson welcomed everyone and told them he and the Board appreciated them being in attendance.
Invocation was lead by Mr. Worsham.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Elsberry.
Mr. Anderson asks if there were any additions to the Superintendent’s Recommended Agenda for April 6, 2009 School Board Meeting and there were none.
Mr. Anderson asks for a motion to approve all items of the Agenda. Mr. Elsberry made a motion to approve with a second by Mr. Massey and the vote was unanimous.
Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings at the next meeting on April 13, 2009.
1. Work Session - March 2, 2009
2. Regular Session - March 9, 2009
Public Participation
The Chattooga County Educators Association (CEA) requested to address the Board. The purpose was to develop a positive rapport with the Board Members and to be a support process for all personnel by presenting ideas and or options regarding non-renewal and reduction in force. Bobby Cavin was the spokesperson.
Mr. Anderson assured the people that we were not proud of what had to be done. The Board is working every avenue that we can come up with to remedy this. By rights we could have had a RIF last year. Our numbers don’t support our teachers. Hopefully all teachers will be able to come back to work.
Dr. Pullen stated that we are beginning to get some thoughts and ideas as to what types of strings will be put on the Stimulus Money by the Federal Government. We are beginning to see what kind of numbers we are looking at. We think we will be able to come up with some creative ideas to get some people back.
We will be moving some of our teachers to other schools and that will happen next month. We want to get everyone approved that we could afford back and then do this.
If we have additional retirements and additions people moving to other school systems we will fill first with our good people we have let go. There is a slight misconception that some teachers are saying they are part of the RIF program when their positions are here but their Principals didn’t recommend them back for that position. We will move someone that has been RIF’d to that position if possible.
Everyone that has been replaced is not necessarily part of the RIF program. We do know that we have lost some of our best and brightest teachers and we are going to do everything we canto get those back. The staff has been working on some plans we may be able to use.
One problem we have is all this Federal money is if it has the same strings attached to it that previous Federal Money had we can’t use that money to fund positions that we are already funding. You have to do without for a year before you can come back or they call it supplanting. We are trying to find creative ways to use our Personnel without being considered supplanting by the Federal Government, The worse case would be for us to use the money now and then be audited a year from now and have to send money back to Federal Government.
The BOE has managed the public’s money very well. We have been able to increase local reserves. Local tax dollars are down. We will get the Homestead exemption money by that money has not flowed through the Tax Office yet. The budget depends on how much of the Stimulus Money the Governor will put into the Budget. The budget has been approved by the House and Senate but the Governor has not signed off. When you use 87% of your budget for salaries there is not much you can do but cut people. The salary schedule has not been approved for next year, the length of days of service for non teaching Personnel. We want to keep our best and brightest teachers. I can assure you that I have lost a lot of sleep over this situation. The budget is not set yet and we have not gotten our Stimulus money yet. Hopefully when we get that we will be able to bring some people back.
- Resolutions/Recognitions
- School Board Members
- School Board Policies
- Financial Management
1. Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval of Financial Statement for February 28, 2009.
2. Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval of School Sales Projects.
3. Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval of bid from Vendor for Computers. Mr. Clifton will review these and make his recommendation. The following bids received were: Equus - $669.00; Max Group $584.75; Sunnytech - $627.00
4. Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval of bid from Vendor for Smart Boards and related equipment purchase for classroom enhancements. Mr. Clifton will review these and make his recommendation. The following bids received were: Southern Business Communications - $3,517.64; Summit Systems $3,932.95; Multi Media did not bid
5. Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval of Chattooga Ministerial Association use of the CHS Stadium for National Day of Prayer Rally on May 7, 2009 from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.
6. Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval of Chattooga FCCLA request to have the Little Miss Chattooga County Beauty Pageant on April 25, 2009. This was scheduled to be held in March but due to lack of participation it was rescheduled.
- Educational Programs, Student Support and Staff Development
1. Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval of Field Trips.
2. Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval of Quality Assurance Review Team Reports. Mrs. Bolton will give a report at the April 13, 2009 Meeting.
- Support Services/Facilities and Construction Management/Planning
Executive Session
A motion was made by Mr. Elsberry with a second by Mr. Money and the vote
was unanimous to go into Executive Session at 7:35 p.m. to discuss Personnel matters. They returned at 10:10 p.m. with no action taken.
While in Executive Session they did the Superintendents evaluation.
- Personnel
1. Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendations for approval of Certified & Classified Personnel
Certified Resignations – Judy Brewster, LMES Retirement
Certified Recommendations for Additional 2009-2010 Renewals – (Attached List)
Teena Dipillo, Linda Griffith, Judy Brewster – 49% Visually Impaired
Certified Recommendations – Tracie Jackson – Speech Path P-12
Certified Transfers – Janine Pendergrass – CHS 6-12 ESOL
Classified Recommendations – Ricky Bullard, Custodian
Classified Transfers – Amy Price, CCEC Special Ed Clerical
Substitute Recommendations – Sub Bus Driver – Michelle Atkins, Sub Food Service – Kariom Blackmon, Sub Teacher – Phil Cavin, Robert “Robbie” C. Eversole, Candy Nixon-Craig
- Superintendent of School
1. Board Consideration of Recommendation to do Superintendent’s evaluation at the April 6, 2009 Work Session meeting during Executive Session.
Mr. Anderson reported that the Board of Education gave Dr. Pullen a Satisfactory rating.
With no further business Mrs. Johnson made a motion to adjourn at 10:15 p.m. with a second by Mr. Money and the vote was unanimous.
__________________________ ___________________________
Dr. Dwight Pullen, Superintendent Mr. William Anderson, Chairman