• January 2009 Board Agenda
    Work Session



                  WORK SESSION AGENDA – 7:00 P.M.

        JANUARY 5, 2009


    Chattooga County Board of Education


    Office of the Superintendent


    Agenda for Board Meeting



    Pledge of Allegiance


    Adoption of Superintendent’s Recommended Agenda for January 5, 2009 School Board Meeting


    Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings at our next Board meeting on January 12, 2009.

    1.      Work Session  -     December 1, 2008

    2.      Regular Session -  December 8, 2008                    


    Public Participation


    1. Resolutions/Recognitions

    1. Recognition of Laci McGinnis, 8th grade student at Summerville Middle School, who auditioned and was chosen to participate in District 7 Honor Band. They will perform a concert for the public on Saturday, February 14, 2009 at Calhoun High School.

    2. Recognition of the Chattooga County Board of Education for having achieved      compliance with the Georgia School Boards Association’s “Standards for Local Boards of Education”.


    1. School Board Members


    1. School Board Policies


    1. Financial Management

    1. Board Consideration for approval of Financial Statement

    2. Board Consideration for approval of School Sales Projects.

    3. Board Consideration for approval of opening Erate bids for Basic Network Maintenance (2009-2010). Also status report on the other Erate services that is scheduled for next year.



       E. Educational Programs, Student Support and Staff Development

                1. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval of 2009-2010 Calendar.

    F. Support Services/Facilities and Construction Management/Planning

          1. Board Consideration of Recommendation from Buckley & Associates, Inc. Architects drawings for new additions at Summerville Middle School.

          2. Board Consideration of  Recommendation from Buckley & Associates, Inc Architects drawings for new additions at Menlo Elementary School.



    Executive Session


    G. Personnel

                1. Board Consideration of Recommendations for approval of Certified &          Classified Personnel

                Certified Recommendation – Brad Waggoner, CHS Head Football Coach

                Classified Transfers – Sherry Brewster Food Service Asst.

                Substitute Recommendations – Sub Bus DriverAlma Lewis; Sub Teacher – Mitzi Tomlin

                2. Board Consideration of Recommendation to reinstate Special Education Clerical position to assist the Psychologist, Alternative School Director, as well as the Special Education Department.


    1. Superintendent of School

    1.Board of Education to elect Officers for the 2009-2010 school year.

