• December 2008 Board Agenda
    Work Session



                  WORK SESSION AGENDA – 7:00 P.M.

        DECEMBER 1, 2008




    Chattooga County Board of Education


    Office of the Superintendent


    Agenda for Board Meeting



    Pledge of Allegiance


    Adoption of Superintendent’s Recommended Agenda for December 1, 2008 School Board Meeting


    Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings at our next Board meeting on December 8, 2008

    1.      Work Session  -     November 3, 2008

    2.      Regular Session -  November 10 ,2008                 


    Public Participation

    1.      Ms. Sarah Widincamp & Ms. Angie Culbert, teachers at Chattooga High School, will give Technology presentation from Georgia Technology Conference that they attended.

    2.      The Chattooga High School Chorus will perform at the December 8, 2008 Board Meeting.


    1. Resolutions/Recognitions


    1. School Board Members


    1. School Board Policies


    1. Financial Management

    1. Board Consideration for approval of Financial Statement

    2. Mr. John Worsham, Maintenance, Grounds & Facilities Director, will open

        bids for wiring the new Metals Lab at Chattooga High School. After reviewing

        the bids, the bid will be awarded at the December 8, 2008 Board meeting.

    3. Board Consideration for the following School Sales Projects.

    4. ** Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for Menlo School to hold a Fund Raiser Dance for the two families who lost their homes due to a fire. The Dance was held November 21, 2008. The school wanted to go ahead and give the money to the families before Thanksgiving.

    5. Board Consideration for approval of E-rate reviews for 2008-2009.
    6. Board Consideration for approval of Contractor's Application and Certificate for payment  No. 13 - final payment - on Lyerly Elementary School #332 in the amount of $83,477.95.



           E. Educational Programs, Student Support and Staff Development

    1. Board Consideration for approval of Field Trips.

    2. ** Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation for approval of the following to serve on the Tribunal Panel for 2008-2009 – Harry Harvey & Melvin Mosley.
    3. Board Consideration for approval of School Improvement Plans.


    1. Support Services/Facilities and Construction Management/Planning
      1. Board Consideration for approval of drawings for proposed new Offices for Dr. Pullen, Superintendent and Mrs. Petitt, Secretary. 

    Executive Session


    1. Personnel
      1. Board Consideration of Recommendations for approval of Certified &     Classified Personnel

    Classified Transfers: Robert Lancasster, CHS Full Time Custodian; David Romine, Transportation Dept. Full Time Bus Driver

    Classified Recommendation : Melanie Teems, Spec. Ed Para @ SMS

    Substitute Recommendations: Sub Teachers – Emily Smith, Ann Strawn,  Pam Williams & Allie Prince  - Sub Food Service – Janie Harris, Patricia Howard, Debbie Mitchell & Penny Parris
    Certifies Resignation: DElena Parrish, Social Studies Teacher @ CHS

      1. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval of additional new job descriptions within the system.
      2. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval of Adoption Agreement with AIG Retirement 403 (b).
      3. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval of contract with Affinity Service Group as Workers’ Compensation carrier for 2009.


    1. Superintendent of School

    1.** Board Consideration of Superintendents Recommendation of Georgia School Boards Association Standards Checklist and recommend that we have the Georgia School Board Assoc. assist with a retreat.

    2. Board Consideration to set meeting dates, times and place for all Board meetings for 2009.






    ** These items need the Boards approval at the December 1, 2008 Work Session