Class Announcements

  • Field trip/Box Tops

    The 3rd grade will be going on a behavior reward field trip on Thursday, Dec. 15th to Classic Bowling and CiCi's pizza in Rome. In order to go on this trip your child must earn at least 600 behavior points by Friday, Dec. 9th. These points are found on their behavior sheet sent home every Friday and needs to be returned the following Tuesday. They have already received their permission slips to …

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  • Math News!!

    Due to the Thanksgiving holiday there was no math homework given. Homework after Thanksgiving will be Drops #23-given out Wed., Nov. 30th and due Wed. Dec. 7th and continue to study multiplication facts. We are still working on multiplication (knowing their facts and 2 digit by 1 digit multiplication) and division. We will continue to work on these up to Christmas break. After the Thanksgiving …

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  • math happenings!

    Your child received Drops #17 for homework on Wednesday, Oct. 26 and it will be due Wednesday, Nov. 2nd. They will receive Drops #19 on Nov. 2 and it will be due Wed. Nov. 9th. Your student will have a quiz on their 9 x's facts on Friday, Nov. 4th. If they pass 3 quizzes in a row they will not have to take the 9's for a few weeks. We are still working on multiplication facts and beginning …

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  • Math Happenings!!!!

    Your child received Drops #15 for homework on Wednesday, October 19th. It will be due Wednesday, Oct. 26th. All homework is written in the agenda on Wednesdays. Please check agendas for notes and other important information. In math, we are working on various ways to solve multiplication problems (arrays, repeated addition, commutative property, drawing pictures and the good old fashioned way!!) …

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  • Homework/behavior sheets

    This week's homework is Drops #3 worksheet. It was given out Wed. Aug. 31 and is due Wed. Sept. 7th. Homework is written in the agenda every Wednesday, goes home that day and is due the following Wednesday. Please check your child's agenda Behavior logs were sent home Friday, Sept. 2 please sign and return Tuesday, Sept. 6th. These behavior sheets will go home every Friday. Signed papers went …

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  • Homework

    Welcome back to school!! Homework will start Wednsday, Aug. 24th. Please check your child's agenda- They should have Drops #1 written in their agenda and the sheet put in their agenda pocket. Drops #1 will not be due until Wed., Aug. 31. Thank you for your time and effort!!

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