- Leroy Massey Elementary
- LMES Special Needs - Baker, Susan
LMES Special Needs
Instructor: Baker, Susan
As all of you know, all students in my class participate in a standards based program that incorporates grade level standards and materials. Students participate in language arts, math, science, and social studies activities. Data is collected on their progress throughout the year and compiled into a Georgia Alternative Assessment portfolio in the spring and submitted to the Department of Education for scoring. IEP goals and objectives related to functional skills are embedded into our activities throughout the day.
Class Announcements
Apples and Pumpkins
Through the end of November, our class will be studying apples and pumpkins. We have many exciting activities planned including a community based instruction trip to trade day to look for different types of apples. We will also graph the number of seeds we find in an apple and a pumpkin, survey students and faculty to see which color apples they prefer and how they best like to eat pumpkin, and …
Welcome to our class website
I am excited to have a class website to share information with you. Please check back frequently as the calendar and class links will be updated periodically. There are many wonderful websites and resource boards that address the unique needs of parents, grandparents, and foster families of children with special needs.
Check out the reading homework link for how to help your child develop …
Class Links
Special Needs Resources
Use the tool bar on the left side of the page to find information on Georgia support and advocacy groups, a map of accessible sites, a discussion forum, and much more.