• Reading

    Instructor: Cook, Sheila

Class Announcements

  • Agenda

    Please make sure that you check your child's agenda each night.
    Please sign or initial it each night even if there is nothing written there. If
    you write a note in the agenda, please remind your child to show it to me.

    Their papers will come home on Thursday in the brown envelope.
    Please sign the envelope and keep the papers.

    Thanks so much! I know we are going to have a GREAT year!

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  • Reading

    Please make sure that your child reads every night. They have an independent reading book with a story
    each week. Some of our stories are long. Your child may read 2 or 3 pages each night. They will know on
    Friday what their story for the next week will be so they can get started over the weekend or on Monday.
    They are in the 3rd grade now, so they should be able to read independently. Please …

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