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Math News!!

  Due to the Thanksgiving holiday there was no math homework given.  Homework after Thanksgiving will be Drops #23-given out Wed., Nov. 30th and due Wed. Dec. 7th and continue to study multiplication facts.  We are still working on multiplication (knowing their facts and 2 digit by 1 digit multiplication)  and division.  We will continue to work on these up to Christmas break.  After the Thanksgiving holiday we will introduce area and work with that along with multiplication and division.  Multiplication quizzes will still occur every week(check your child's agenda for the dates of the quizzes).  Also check your child's agenda for homework and other notes! Thank you for all you do.  If you have any questions or concerns feel free to call me, write me an e-mail, or a note in the agenda.  Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!!!!!