• Ms. Abdou's 4th Grade Social Studies

    In Fourth Grade Social Studies, we will be covering everything from Native American history and heritage, to the Revolutionary War. We will look at geographical features of the US recognizing the differences in regions as well as man-made vs. natural features and how geographical issues played into the settlement of our nation and the wars that were fought on our own soil.

    We will learn about the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and emphasize the powerful and long-term roles that these documents have played in shaping our country and the world.

    We will be covering economics and how buyers and sellers rely on each other. We hope to teach students what factors in our economy push us towards or away from war and peace. We will implement personal budgets to assists our students in grasping these issues on a more personal level.

    Social Studies is the corner stone in the foundation for our students' understanding of what it means to be a good citizen with a grasp of where we come from and how our actions will shape the future of the world!

Ms. Abdou's Announcements

  • GPS Standard SS4H2

    We are currently working on Georgia Performance Standard SS4H2:
    The student will describe European exploration in North America.
    a. Describe the reasons for, obstacles to, and accomplishments of the Spanish, French, and English explorations of John Cabot, Vasco Nunez Balboa, Juan Ponce de Leon, Christopher Columbus, Henry Hudson, and Jacques Cartier.
    b. Describe examoles of cooperation and …

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    Technology Annoucement

    This year, Chattooga County Schools is introducing a new face for our school to the internet community. Join us as we implement this new technology into our Social Studies curriculum!

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Class Files

  • Grade 4 GPS Social Studies.pdf

    These are the Georgia Performance Standards that all Fourth Grade students will need to know to pass the Social Studies portion of the CRCT exam given at the end of the year. ALL PARENTS should read this. I encourage you to print this document and use it to review your child's understanding of the basics! Thank you!
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