- Leroy Massey Elementary
- Ms. Abdou's 4th Grade Literacy
Ms. Abdou's 4th Grade Literacy
The English language; the ability to read it, write it, and effectively understand it, is critical to our ability to communicate. The subject of Reading and Language Arts are combined here at Leroy Massey Elementary School into a two and a half hour "Literacy Block."
During this time we will work toward providing a grasp of literacy concepts in accordance with the Fourth Grade Georgia Performance Standards for Reading and Language Arts.
Class Announcements
GPS Standard ELA4W2
In our Literacy Block, we are currently working on Geoprgia Performance Standard ELA4W2:
The student produces informational writing that:
a. Engages the reader by establishing a context, creating a speaker's voice, and otherwise developing reader interest.
b. Frames a central question about an issue or situation.
c. Creates an organizing structure.
d. Includes apprpriate facts and …
Class Contacts
Abdou, Marilyn
Business: (706) 857-7876 Email: mabdou@chattooga.k12.ga.us Address: 493 Dot Johnson Drive
Summerville, Ga. 30747