• Mrs. Burdick's 4th Grade Math and Science

    Welcome to Mrs. Burdick's Fifth Grade Science Class! Please enjoy our new technology as we begin implementing the website into our daily activities.

    This year in science, we will be covering areas including Life Science, Earth Science, and Physical Science.

Mrs. Burdick's Class Announcements

  • It's Electric!

    Static electricity is just one part of the 5th Grade Science GPS: S5P3 - Students will investigate electricity, magnetism and their relationship.

    Closed circuits were also on the agenda as science students transformed into engineers and electricians by creating a human circle that acted as a closed circuit. Forming a circle and holding hands, students used an "energy ball" to create a circuit …

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  • Water Bottle Babies and genetics!

    Introducing genetics to 5th graders can offer many challenges so Mrs. Burdick's 5th grade science class used a unique approach that made a lasting impression on her students!

    In accordance with GPS S5L2:
    Students will recognize that offspring can resemble parents in inherited traits and learned behaviors.

    Students flipped a coin to determine if recessive or dominate traits were exhibited in …

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    PTO Meeting AUGUST 26th, Thursday!

    Don't miss the LMES PTO Meeting in the Cafeteria at LMES, 6:00 PM on Thursday August 26th. Learn some exciting new things about Title I, AYP, and a Progress Report on the New PLAYGROUND!!!

    Immediately following the PTO meeting will be sign ups for Boy Scouts in the Gym! And the Scouts just got a whole lot cooler after Discovery Channel Hero, Bear Grylls, was named head of the Scouts world wide! …

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    Welcome BACK TO SCHOOL!

    I am glad everyone had a great summer and has come back to school reenergized and ready to learn! We have wasted no time getting started on our Fifth Grade Georgia Performance Standards and currently we are working on WEATHER!
    This unit will include learning to Classify Plants and Animals!
    The GPS is:

    Students will classify organsims into groups and relate how they determined the groups …

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