- Menlo Elementary
- Mrs. Maddux's First Grade - Maddux, Claudia
Mrs. Maddux's First Grade - Maddux, Claudia
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Mrs. Maddux's First Grade
Instructor: Maddux, Claudia
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
We are truly looking forward to the beginning of the new school year, and we would like to welcome you and your child to first grade. First Grade is a very exciting year filled with self-discovery, serious learning, and personal growth. You should expect your child to come home energized and motivated from all the thinking and creating that they do in class. We hope to partner with you this year, so that we can make sure that your child gets the best education possible.
Please allow us to be a resource to you, and feel free to ask us any questions you may have. The first grade team will always be available to you before and after school by phone, letters, email, and individual meetings. Please see below for our contact information.
It is an honor and a privilege for us to work with you this year, and we look forward to giving you the best instruction possible. Mrs. Maddux teaches math, science, and writing. Mrs. Fletcher teaches reading, language, social studies, and writing. We can't wait to see the great things our student will do this year!
All Our Best,
Mrs. Fletcher and Mrs. Maddux
Supplies/Materials ENTIRE GRADE Homework Policy - 2 packs of #2 pencils
- 6 1-subject wide rule spiral notebooks
- 3 heavy duty plastic 3-prong, 2-pocket folders
- Hard pencil box-regular, not skinny
- 2 spiral notebooks (70-count)
- crayons
- scissors
- glue sticks
- Kleenex
- hand sanitizer
- Ziploc bags
- sanitizing wipes
- dry erase markers
Your child will be acknowledged for their effort and after turning in a set amount of assigned homework pieces, they will earn a reward. Extra practice at home is always helpful to you and your child. Homework keeps your child abreast to what we are learning, and can give you an idea of how they are doing with recent classwork. If they are able to do the work independently, with no assistance, if they need you to read the instructions, but can do the rest independently, if they only need your help once or twice, or if they need you by their side, helping with every part. Please give your child the chance to work independently, if they can, if they cannot, please assist them to help them become more independent and confident in their work.
What Will We Learn (Summary of the Curriculum) Standards/Scope and Sequence Math - 1st-9 weeks: Sums and Differences to 10
- Focus: (1.OA.6) Embedded Numbers and Decompositions, (1.OA.1,5,6) Counting On from Embedded Numbers, (1.OA.1,5,6) Addition Word Problems, (1.OA.5,6,8) Strategies for Counting On, (1.OA.3,7) The Commutative Property of Addition and the Equal Sign, (1.OA.3,6) Development of Addition Fluency Within 10, (1.OA.1,4,5) Subtraction as an Unknown Addend Problem, (1.OA.1,4,5,8) Subtraction Word Problems, (1.OA.4,5,6 ) Decomposition Strategies for Subtraction, (1.OA.6) Development of Subtraction Fluency Within 10, (MP.2,6,7,8)
- 2nd-9 weeks: Introduction to Place Value Through Addition/Subtraction Within 20
- Focus: (1.OA.1,2,3,6) Counting On or Making Ten to Solve Result Unknown Problems, (1.OA.1,3,4,5,6,7) Counting On or Taking from Ten to Solve Result Unknown Problems, (1.OA.1,3,4,5,6,7,8) Strategies for Solving Change or Addend Unknown Problems, (1.OA.1, 1.NBT.2a,b,5) Varied Problems with Decompositions of Teen Numbers as 1Ten and Some Ones, (MP.2,4,7,8)
- Ordering and Comparing Length Measurements as Numbers
- Focus: (1.MD.1) Indirect Comparison in Length Measurement, (1.MD.1,2) Standard Length Units, (1.OA.1, 1.MD.2) Non-Standard and Standard Length Units, (1.OA.1, 1.MD.2,4) Data Interpretation, (MP.2,3,6,7)
- 3rd-9 weeks: Place Value, Comparison, Addition/Subtraction to 40
- Focus: (1.NBT.1,2,3) Tens and Ones, (1.NBT.1,2,3) Comparison of Pairs of Two-Digit Numbers, (1.NBT.2,4,6) Addition and Subtraction of Tens, (1.NBT.4) Addition of Tens or Ones to a Two-Digit Number, (1.OA.1) Varied Problem Types Within 20, (1.NBT.4) Addition of Tens and Ones to a Two-Digit Number, (MP3,5,6,7)
- Identifying, Composing, and Partitioning Shapes
- Focus: (1.G.1) Attributes of Shapes, (1.G.2) Part-Whole Relationships Within Composite Shapes, (1.G.3) Halves and Quarters of Rectangles and Circles, (1.MD.3, 1.G.3) Application of Halves to Tell Time), (MP.1,6,8)
- 4th-9 weeks: Place Value, Comparison, and Addition/Subtraction to 100
- Focus: (1.OA.1) Comparison Word Problems, (NBT.1,2a,2c,3,5) Numbers to 120, (1NBT.4,6) Addition to 100 Using Place Value Understanding, (1.NBT.4) Varied Place Value Strategies for Addition to 100, (1.MD.3) Coins and Their Values, (1.OA.1) Varied Problem Types Within 20, Culminating Experiences, (MP.1,3,4,5)
Science - 1st 9 weeks: Weather, Seasons, and Water
- Focus (S1E1-2): Observe sky conditions with weather data for each season. Identify basic patterns of weather. Demonstrate simple instruments to measure temperature, wind, and precipitation. Describe how precipitation occurs when water, previously evaporated, condenses out of the air and changes state from a gas to a liquid (rain), or to a solid (snow and sleet). Determine that the weight of a specific quantity of water does not change as the phase changes.
- 2nd 9 weeks: Sound , Light, and Shadows
- Focus (S1P1): Investigate and demonstrate that a vibration is a back and forth motion which may produce sound. Differentiate between high and low pitch and high and low volume of the sound. Recognize emergency sounds. Identify sources of light. Explain that shadows are formed.
- 3rd 9 weeks: Animals and Magnets
- Focus (S1L1): Recognize that animals have basic life needs and specific physical characteristics. Classify animals using their specific physical characteristics. Explain how weather and seasonal changes affect animals. (S1P2): Investigate that magnets have certain characteristics and attract specific types of metals.
- 4th 9 weeks: Plants and Plants/Animal Comparisons
- Focus (S1L1): Recognize that plants have basic life needs and specific physical characteristics. Explain how weather and seasonal changes affect plants.
Conference Times and Test Days Grading Scale/Weights
Contact Information
Contact#: (706)862-2323
We are available from 9-9:30am (our gym time) and after school from 4-5pm. We are also open to scheduling a conference on a different day, if necessary. Tutoring will be available on Wednesdays from 4-4:45pm.
First grade test days are as follows: Tuesday=Social Studies, Wednesday=Math, Thursday=Reading, Friday=Language and ScienceA = 90 -100 Excellent achievement
B = 80 - 89 Above average achievement
C = 70 - 79 Average achievement
F = 0 - 69 Failure to achieve
Mid-Unit/End-of-Unit Assessments 33.3%
Quizzes/Projects 33.3%
Classwork/Participation 33.3%
End of Term/Report Card Dates
September 3, 2014-Mid-Term Reports
August 5-October 3, 2014-1st Nine Weeks
October 17, 2014-Report Cards
November 11, 2014-Mid-Term Reports
October 14-December 17, 2014-2nd Nine Weeks
January 9, 2015-Report Cards
February 4, 2015-Mid-Term Reports
January 6-March 11, 2015-3rd Nine Weeks
March 18, 2015-Report Cards
April 21, 2015-Mid-Term Reports
March 12-May 22, 2015-4th Nine Weeks
May 22, 2015-Report CardsCalendar/Key Dates
August 5, 2014-First Day of School
October 7-10, 2014-Fall Break
November 25-28, 2014-Thanksgiving Holiday
December 18, 2014-January 2, 2015-Christmas Break
January 6, 2015-Students Return
February 19-20, 2015-Holiday/Bad Weather Make-up Days
March 31-April 3, 2015-Spring Break
May 22, 2015-Last Day for Students
Mastering standards that
Educate, encourage, and enrich through a
Nurturing, highly-qualified staff that foster
Life-long learners that provide
Opportunities to become more productive citizens
There are no upcoming events to display.
Class Links
Class Schedule
7:35 Morning Work
7:55 Announcements/Lunch Count/Attendance/Tiger Tudors/ELT and RTI
8:40 Science
9:00 P.E.
9:30 Math
11:15 Restroom, Prepare for Lunch
11:25 Lunch
12:00 Restroom, Switch Homerooms
12:15 Recess
1:00 Science
1:30 Math
3:15 Switch Homerooms/Pack to go home
3:30 Car Riders Leave to gym
3:50 Bus Riders Leave