• SS4H4b. This week in Social Studies we will continue to study the 13 colonies. WE are now moving into the time period where the Colonist had trouble breaking free from England. Tuesday we will examine the French and Indians war. We will sequence the events on a time line. We will also have a daily grade from the material on fact and opinion. On Thursday we will continue on to the writing of the Declaration of Independence and we will compare the government of 1760 to our government today.

Class Announcements

  • Founding of America

    WE have followed the path that the Early explorers took to find the "new land". We have looked at the different Native Americans that were here and now we are headed in the direction of forming a New country. The students will observe the hardships that the early settlers had to overcome to make America what we have today.

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    H5a,b,d,e, Weakness of the Articles of Confederation
    H7a,b War of 1812
    CG1b "We the people"
    CG5 Major leaders of the Constitutional Convention
    Elc Discribe how trade promotes economic activity

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  • Standard


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