Kayla Anglin

Kayla Anglin 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): K
Phone: 706 895-3323
Email: kanglin@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: REMIND app (by teacher invitation), Email
Certification: P-5 Elementary
EDU Background: Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education

Chris Barnes

Chris Barnes 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): K-5
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: chbarnes@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: REMIND app (by teacher invitation)
Certification: K-5
EDU Background: Bachelor

sheila Barnett

sheila Barnett 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): Nutrition Services
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: sheilakay barnett63@ICLOUD.COM
Contact: Phone

Tyler Blalock

Tyler Blalock 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: Tblalock@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: Email
EDU Background:

Dawn Bowling

Dawn Bowling 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): K
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: dbowling@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: Email
Certification: P-5 Elementary
EDU Background: BS-Early Childhood Education/Elementary Educations, Masters-K-6 Language Literacy

Jessica Cabe

Jessica Cabe 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): Nutrition Services
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: Jcabe@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: Email
EDU Background: College- Business Management

Julia Cavin

Julia Cavin 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): Secretary
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: jcavin@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: Email, Phone
EDU Background:

Carla Chisolm

Carla Chisolm 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): Occupational Therapist
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: cchisolm@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: Email, Phone
Certification: Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant
EDU Background: Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant

Amber Dillard

Amber Dillard 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): Nurse/Nurse Aide
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: adillard@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: Email, Phone
Certification: LPN
EDU Background: LPN

Joleen Dotson

Joleen Dotson 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): 5th
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: Jgladney@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: Email
Certification: Paraprofessional certification
EDU Background: 3 years of college

James Durham

James Durham 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): SRO
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: jdurham@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: Email, Phone
Certification: N/A
EDU Background: Associate of Arts Criminal Justice

Lindsay Eckroat

Lindsay Eckroat 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): K-5
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: leckroat@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: Email
Certification: pk-5 elementary
EDU Background: Batchelors in education, masters in reading

Lauren Esmann

Lauren Esmann 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): 4th
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: lesmann@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: Email, Phone
Certification: P-5 Elementary/ Reading Endorsment
EDU Background: BA in ECE/ M.Ed. ECE

David Gann

David Gann 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): K-5, Special Education
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: dgann@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: Phone
Certification: Special Education k-12/Physical Education
EDU Background: EDS

Carlie Groves

Carlie Groves 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): 1st
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: cgroves@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: Phone
EDU Background:

Abbey Hannah

Abbey Hannah 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): 3rd
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: ahannah@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: REMIND app (by teacher invitation), Email
Certification: N/A
EDU Background: Elementary and Special Education Bachelors degree, perusing masters in elementary education

Carlie Hegwood

Carlie Hegwood 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): K-5
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: chegwood@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: REMIND app (by teacher invitation), Email
Certification: Middle Grades ELA, Reading, Social Studies; 6-12 English; PK-12 Gifted
EDU Background: Bachelor of Arts in English with Secondary Teaching Certificate from Dalton State College; Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction/Accomplished Teaching from Georgia Southern University

Abby Hosmer

Abby Hosmer 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): 6th
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: ahosmer@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: REMIND app (by teacher invitation)
Certification: Elementary
EDU Background: Bachelor's in Political Science

Ginger Hosmer

Ginger Hosmer 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): PreK, K-5, 6-8, Special Education
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: ghosmer@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: Email, Phone
Certification: PK-5 Early Childhood, PK-5 Special Education Resource, PK-12 Special Education Inclusion, PK-12 ESOL
EDU Background: BS Early Childhood Education

Beth Howard

Beth Howard 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): 8-Jun
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: bhoward@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: Email
Certification: Special Education General Curriculum Consultative (P-12) Special Education Math Cognitive Level (P-5) (4-8) Special Education Reading Cognitive Level (P-5) (4-8) Special Education Science Cognitive Level (4-8, 9-12) Special Education Social Science Cognitive Level (P-5, 4-8, 6-12) Middle Grades Reading (4-8) Middle Grades Math (4-8) Middle Grades Science (4-8) Middle Grades Social Science (4-8) Science (6-12) Gifted Endorsement
EDU Background: Bachelor of Science: Middle Grade Education (Math and Science), Masters in Education: Curriculum and Instruction (Literacy), Specialists in Education: Curriculum and Instruction

Sarah Hurley

Sarah Hurley 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): 1st
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: shurley@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: Email
Certification: P-5 Elementary and P-12 SpEd
EDU Background: Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education and M.Ed in Elementary Education



School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): Nutrition Services
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: SI2021@G MAIL.COM
Contact: Phone
EDU Background: HS

Jennifer Jernigan

Jennifer Jernigan 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): K
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: jjernigan@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: Email
Certification: CDA- Childhood Development Associate Credentials, Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Administration
EDU Background:

Denise Jones

Denise Jones 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): Special Education
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: djones@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: Phone
Certification: P-8 Elementary
EDU Background: Specialist Degree

Kirby Jones Allmond

Kirby Jones Allmond 

School: Lyerly Elementary School
Grade(s): 5th
Phone: 706-895-3323
Email: kijones@chattooga.k12.ga.us
Contact: REMIND app (by teacher invitation)
Certification: K-5 Elementary, ESOL
EDU Background: Dalton State College Bachelors Degree in Early Childhood Education/ESOL