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FYI - Georgia Poison Center (GPC)
The Georgia Poison Center (GPC) has operated since 1970 as a 24/7 poison emergency treatment information service, providing assistance and expertise in the medical diagnosis and management of human and animal poisonings. The GPC provides free, timely advice and information to parents, childcare providers, pharmacists, nurses and doctors. We play a significant role in reducing the cost of treatment and the severity of poisonings where time is of the essence. The GPC is also a training site for healthcare professionals and serves the state by coordinating outreach and education programs to increase awareness of poison prevention throughout the state. A leader in poison prevention activities, the GPC is one of the 55 centers nationwide and is certified and accredited as a Regional Poison Center by the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC).
As part of our education outreach we would like to make you aware of some of our offerings.
- Free Online Poison Prevention Training – The goal of this training is to prepare you to provide and promote poison prevention activities in your communities in an effort to encourage Georgians to adopt safe and healthy poison prevention habits. You can complete the course at your own pace and you will receive a certificate of completion. After completing the program, you will gain access to the Resource Center that houses a ton of educational materials (handouts, brochures, lesson plans, videos, etc). You will also be able to request free material for any poison prevention event you plan to do. https://training.georgiapoisoncenter.org/
- National Poison Prevention Week (NPPW) – This week is celebrated during the third full week of March (March 17-24, 2019) each year and is nationally designated to highlight poisoning dangers and how to prevent them. NPPW allows organizations, institutions and individuals to educate the children and adults in your communities on poison safety through educational outreach. We are developing a toolkit to provide you with all the necessary resources to start promoting NPPW in your communities. This toolkit will be available in the Resource Center in our online training program.
- Annual Video Contest – In September of 2019 we will release our Video PSA Contest Guidelines and Entry Form. The winners will be recognized by the Georgia Poison Center and their video will be showcased on our webpage and Facebook page.
- Poison Prevention Presentation – If you would like one of our staff members to come and speak to your class or school on poison prevention please let us know. We would love to accommodate your request.
Ways you can reach/follow us:
- Georgia Poison Center Website (https://www.georgiapoisoncenter.org/)
- Phone – 1-800-222-1222
- Chat or Email with Us
- Social Media @PoisonCenterGA - Facebook and Twitter
Britni Overall, CHES
Education/Development Supervisor
Georgia Poison Center | 80 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive, SE, P.O. Box 26066, Atlanta, GA 30303
Tel: (404) 616-9224 | Fax: (404) 616-6657 | eMail: boverall@georgiapoisoncenter.org
Visit us at http://www.georgiapoisoncenter.org/ | Become a fan on Facebook | Follow us on Twitter @GAPoisonCenter